Die Fetish Guerilla REVOLUTION am Vorabend des German Fetish Ball war schon immer eines der Highlights des German Fetish Ball Wochenendes! Der grandiose KitKatClub – ein alltime favorite im Berliner Nachtleben – bietet das passende Ambiente und das Team der Fetish Guerilla hat ein spitzen Line-Up aufgefahren. Somit kann dieser Abend nur eins werden: LEGENDÄR!
Fetish Guerilla REVOLUTION the night before the big German Fetish Ball has always been a highlight of the German Fetish Ball Weekend! The awesome KitKatClub – an alltime favorite of Berlin nightlife – has the right ambience the Fetish Guerilla team got a top line-up. So the night will become one thing: LEGENDARY!
LINE-UP: Faray / Aline&Suné / Räubertöchtäs / Christopher Lawrenz / Drama Nui / DJ Pandemonium / Kasey Riot / Søren/ the figurehead
Performances: Empress Stah / Superfly Suspension Crew / Topanga Love / Mistress Amrita
Admission: 25 EUR at the door – doors: 10pm – Dress to impress! #clubbing #gfb #fetishguerlilla